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STABILL PM-50, polymer white smooth, 17 kg

Brand: Stabill
Product code: P-SL-MM-811-17WI
In stock: 0 pcs

STABILL PM-50 is designed for the highest quality thin-bed finishing on even surfaces. It can also be used for levelling minor irregularities and defects and for thin layer filling of plasterboards and their jointing with the use of reinforcement tape. For use on walls and ceilings indoors not exposed to direct contact with water.

STABILL PM-50 is a ready-to-use compound based on an aqueous polymer resin dispersion, fillers and modifying additives, with excellent adhesion, giving smooth, white, vapour-permeable surfaces. Once set, the finish can be easily sanded with sandpaper and abrasive nets. Thanks to its specially selected formulation, it does not "cloud" the sandpaper and retains its light processing properties for up to 2 weeks after application. Unused compound, stored in a tightly closed container, retains its suitability for further use for a long time. It is suitable for manual application (steel trowel or roller) as well as for machine application, especially with hydrodynamic units.

12.76 / pcs
Availability: Waiting for delivery - please contact us

Product description

The technical data and application information refer to a temperature of (23±2)°C and an air humidity of (50±5)%. Product according to PN-EN 15824 standard. The product has the hygienic certificate of PZH.

Brand: Stabill
Product code: P-SL-MM-811-17WI
Availability: Waiting for delivery - please contact us
Weight 0

Composition: aqueous dispersion of acrylic resin, fillers and modifying additives
Application temperature +5°C to +25°C
Approximate consumption (at a layer thickness of 1 mm) approx. 1.9 kg/m2
Thickness per coat up to 4 mm
Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.82 W/mK
Adherence ≥ 0.3 MPa
Reaction to fire class A2-s2, d0

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