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STABILL PKG-28, fine gypsum adhesive, 10 kg

Brand: Stabill
Product code: 001576
In stock: 3 pcs

STABILL PKG-28 is used for bonding plasterboard, assembling gypsum stucco elements, polystyrene boards, insulating materials and all kinds of gypsum decorative elements indoors. It can also be used for assembling gypsum boards, e.g. Pro-Monta boards, and for removing irregularities in plaster and interior walls .

STABILL PKG-28 is a dry mixture of gypsum, mineral fillers and modifying additives, thanks to which it obtains high strength parameters and excellent working properties.

5.30 / pcs
+ -
Availability: Immediately

Other variants

Product description

The technical data and application information refer to a temperature of (23±2)°C and an atmospheric humidity of (50±5)%. Product properties may change in other conditions. Product in accordance with PN-EN 14496 standard. The product has the hygienic certificate of PZH.

Brand: Stabill
Product code: 001576
Availability: Immediately
Weight 0

Composition: mixture of gypsum and mineral fillers modified with additives
Mixingratio approx. 0.5 litres/kg
Workabilitytime approx. 30-50 minutes
Application temperature +5°C to +25°C
Approximate consumption approx. 5 kg/m2 of board
Adjustment time ≤ 10 minutes after bonding
Adhesion to plasterboard ≥ 0.06 MPa (or failure in plasterboard)
Reaction to fire class A1
Calcium sulphate content ≥ 30%

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