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STABILL PW-01, MULTI START filling plaster, 20 kg

Brand: Stabill
Product code: 001579
In stock: 196 pcs

STABILL PW-01 is used for smoothing out unevenness and roughness of mineral substrates as a levelling layer before applying STABILL final products. It can be used for filling cavities, fissures and scratches and for grouting plasterboards with the use of a reinforcement tape.

STABILL PW-01 is a dry mixture of gypsum, mineral fillers and modifying additives. When mixed with water, it forms a plastic mass with good working properties.

9.23 / pcs
+ -
Availability: Immediately

Product description

The technical data and application information refer to a temperature of (23±2)°C and an atmospheric humidity of (50±5)%. Product properties may change under other conditions. Product according to EN 13279-1, type B2/20/2. The product has the Hygienic Certificate of PZH.

Brand: Stabill
Product code: 001579
Availability: Immediately
Weight 0

Composition: mixture of gypsum and mineral fillers modified with additives
Mixingratio approx. 0.45 litres/kg
Workabilitytime 60 minutes
Application temperature +5°C to +25°C
Approximate consumption (at a layer thickness of 1 mm) approx. 1.2 kg/m2
Thicknessof one layer from 1 to 8 mm
Compressive strength ≥ 1.0 N/mm2
Flexural strength ≥ 2.0 N/mm2
Adhesion ≥ 0,10 N/mm2
Reaction to fire class A1
Calcium sulphate content < 50%

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