- mineral product
- light and efficient
- creates a pleasant and healthy indoor climate
- regulates humidity and is vapour-permeable
- abrasion resistant
- nailable
- can be applied up to 50 mm
- machinable
- reaction to fire A1 - non-flammable material
Creation of smooth surfaces on walls and ceilings inside buildings. As a single coat plaster for all types of substrates.
- From basement to roof, for all rooms with a maximum humidity of 70%, including kitchens and bathrooms of normal use (e.g. toilets in schools and bathrooms in hotels, housing, hospitals, etc.).
- As a substrate for various types of paint and wallpaper
- As a substrate for ceramic tiles up to a weight of 25 kg/m2
- As a substrate for finishing plasters
- As a subfloor for levelling compounds